You saved up, you did the research, and you got the Mazda3 or Mazda CX-9 of your dreams. And because you love your vehicle and want to protect your investment, you’re committed to finding quality care. Our Mazda service center technicians are experts in everything related to care for your Mazda vehicle, and they’re here to answer a few of the most frequently asked questions we get about Mazda service.

MAZDA Service Questions

Some service needs are obvious – if you have a flat tire or a dead battery, you need to get it fixed. But we get a lot of other questions about services a Mazda model needs.

  • How often do I need an oil change? The only way to know for sure is to consult your owner’s manual, but for older cars it’s probably close to every 3,000 miles/three months, whereas newer models can be anywhere from 5,000-15,000 miles!


  • Why do my filters need to be replaced? Filters are one of those parts that we rarely think about until they stop doing their job. But their job is to keep dust, dirt, and more from not only the air you’re breathing, but from your engine. And that dust and dirt can cause big problems, so it’s important to change your filters regularly!


  • Why do I need tire rotations? Tires wear out over their lifetimes. Because of road conditions, the weight distribution of your car, and more, they don’t wear out evenly. By rotating your tires regularly, you can more evenly distribute wear and tear and extend the life of your tires!

MAZDA Service near Carlisle, PA

We can answer the FAQs, but we’re sure you have your own questions about service for your Mazda vehicle. At Freysinger Mazda, we can promise expert service at our Mazda service center or auto repair shop. Carslisle, PA drivers can call or visit our website today to schedule service for their Mazda car or SUV!